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Web Pages Speed 90+

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Web Pages Speed 90+

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As a developer, you know the importance of having a website that loads quickly. Today's users have a shorter attention span than ever before, and they're not willing to wait around for a page to load. That's why it's crucial to optimize your website's speed, aiming for a score of 90 or higher.

Website’s Speed

As a developer, you know the importance of having a website that loads quickly. Today’s users have a shorter attention span than ever before, and they’re not willing to wait around for a page to load. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize your website’s speed, aiming for a score of 90 or higher.

We’ll be discussing the steps you can take to achieve a web page speed score of 90 or higher.

Minimize HTTP requests

The more HTTP requests your website makes, the longer it will take to load. So, minimizing the number of HTTP requests is the first step towards improving your website’s speed. You can do this by combining multiple CSS and JavaScript files into one and reducing the number of images on your site

Optimize images

Images can be a big culprit when it comes to slow-loading websites. To optimize your images, you can compress them without losing quality, choose the right file format, and use lazy loading to ensure that images are only loaded when they’re needed.

Use a content delivery network (CDN)

A CDN can improve your website’s speed by caching content on servers around the world. This means that when a user visits your site, they’ll be served content from the server that’s closest to them, reducing the time it takes for the content to load.

Use a caching plugin

A caching plugin can improve your website’s speed by storing a copy of your website’s pages in the user’s browser cache. This means that when a user revisits your site, the pages will load more quickly because they’re already stored in their cache.

Test your website regularly

Finally, it’s crucial to test your website regularly to ensure that it’s running as quickly as possible. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom to test your website’s speed and identify any areas that need improvement.